Make a wish and it will come true

Timeline - 1996

The first official Kids For Peace workshop was held in collaboration with the Fullerton Museum Center in Orange County. The painted panels created in this workshop were exhibited with the  “Anne Frank and the World” Exhibit.

The early workshops focused on a contrast between the terrorism in Israel and the gang violence in America.   The workshops started with discussion of Peace, Poetry readings, Video on Israel and then the painting of the wood tiles. The intention  was to conduct numerous workshops and for the finished tiles to go to Israel and find a permanent home. The first 50 tiles for the UN mural were completed.

Santa Monica Festival

Santa Monica, CA


KFP chalk drawing mural,
created by participant from the
Santa Monica Festival.

LA Downtown Library Mural

Los Angeles, CA


Mural and Poetry workshop held at the Downtown Public Library as Children’s Literature Event . About 50 tiles were completed for the UN mural. Kennon B Raines led the Poetry part of the workshop.

B'Nai Horin


Simi Villey, CA


Mural Workshop held at Brandeis-Bardin with the community of B’nai Horin.  

Forty one tiles for the UN mural were completed.

Craft and Folk Art Museum

Los Angeles, CA

May 15 &  October 12, 1996

Two mural workshops were held at the CFAM.The second was in collaboration with  YWCA and Jordan Downs Housing Community. Part of the week without violence.

A totla of 104 tiles for the UN Exhibit  were made in the two workshops.

Anne Frank Exhibit
and kickoff workshop

Fullerton Museum

4/13- 6/2/1996

Fullerton, CA